Well, I didn't see that come, running for the Green Party, that is. :-) I think it's a brilliant idea.

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If you stand for a party it means minimal costs, so it's worth doing, especially for a smaller party you believe in. :-) One of my friends here revealed she is also standing (different party, but one I would support before Labour or Tories).

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What with the "uncommitted" movement in the US and George Galloway in the UK, it's nice to see the dominant parties get all shook up. Democracy has supposedly been under threat for a while now, but I wonder if people are more motivated than ever? Let's hope so.

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Yes, the irony is when Tories say that voting for anyone but them is putting democracy under threat! To them democracy = voting Tory. Nut cases. Also, all elections should have a final option: "reform government " or something. Currently you can often only vote for a dick or not vote. There's no way to vote for a different system. We're tied to rules created by people long dead.

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Well, i'd say this was inevitable... very green news indeed, congrats Karl - you'll be a superb MP. :)

We were wild garlic foraging just the other day... such a special time of year.

Amazing T shirt too.

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Thank you on all counts! I think I may do another pesto this week.

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P.S.Great T shirt!

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Thanks! I look forward to wearing it. :-)

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Hi Karl: great looking recipe! Where would I find wild garlic? I’m in North West London, so not too much chance of foraging, but there’s a couple of nice little parks nearby.

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That’s great, thank you! Hampstead Heath isn’t too far away: I’m going to have to get the secateurs and my basket out - yum!

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Actually, when you pull a leaf gently, the whole thing lifts out, so maybe no need for tools! And the amount I pick fits into a small plastic bag in any pocket (just a palm-sized amount) so it can even be done spontaneously. :-)

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Oh wow! That’s even better… I feel some wild garlic pesto coming on - yum 😋

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Thanks for the recipe, Karl! I love pesto too and make it with nutritional yeast.

Best of luck with your books and business venture.

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Many thanks!

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