What a wonderful post. You asked Have you left a career behind? What was it, and do you miss it? Yes, I'm retired and no I don't miss it but I do some of the people. But have moved on to other unexpectedly interesting things; e.g., grocery clerk and free tax prep for the elderly. Fun. I would love to hear someday how Welsh and perhaps Scottish Gaelic have influenced your work; perhaps not at all. I know Greek has.

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Welsh influenced my first book, Turner, and I incorporated a bit of the language. Some was translated, some not: so that (for anyone not speaking it) they'd feel that same thing as the characters "What are they saying? Are they talking about me?"

One of my stories in They Move Below was written in Scots. Very few people probably read it. :-)

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Haha I only had ONE batshit crazy nightmare after reading 2/3rds of Turner.. I'm in a very good space halfway thru B1 of LS 🌌

Ps I like the trippy Donny Darko rabbit!

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Ha ha, I had thought of Donnie Darko too when I made that cover draft! Only seen the film once, I remember being confused. :-)

Lost Solace is a fairly fast read, and not as big as books 2 and 3. :-)

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Cover design option A: Facing The Creator (Green)

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Thanks: that does seem the more popular choice so far. :-)

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😊 💚

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