The Business Bit
The other day I said I’d add more books to my site when I got the chance.
I have now done that.
It’s possible to buy any of my novels, short story collections or novellas as an ebook on my new site. Suspense? Check. Literary relationship books? Check.
More paperbacks and exclusive hardbacks will be added in the future.
The Personal Bit
As many of you know, on Saturdays I attend a peace vigil in front of Robert Burns’ statue in Dumfries (the town where Burns lived). We sometimes read his compassionate poems out: if he were alive today, I’m sure he’d be stood with us. It doesn’t matter if it is cold (today), or wet (today), or even hail stoning (also today!), we stand beneath him and speak or sing. So, every time you sing Auld Lang Syne, think of Scotland, and Dumfries where Burns lived, and where I now make my hame!
I spoke today. We had a big crowd, as usual. Time was tight so I had to truncate my points and the poem I read out (apologies to Caitlin Johnstone: you’ll find the full version of her poem here). Sorry if I’m not very eloquent off the cuff. Here’s a video of me, anyway.
Note that the flour is there as a symbol of the hundreds of Palestinians murdered and injured by Israeli soldiers on Thursday. The starving, unarmed civilians (including women and children) were heading to the first food truck they’d seen in a month, when Israeli tanks just opened fire on them, then drove over the injured, dead and dying. We’d also held a minute’s silence for Aaron Bushnell. If you don’t know his name, then here are some articles: Aaron Bushnell Burned Himself Alive To Make You Turn Your Eyes To Gaza; Aaron Bushnell’s Divine Violence; Don't let Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation be in vain.
Peace and love, my friends.
Thanks for speaking out and for writing every week, Karl. We all need to keep in the fight until the killing stops.