Quick Updates
Last time I wrote from a snowy Scotland. Today it is blustery, wet and wild. I’ll still go to the peace vigil later on (I attend every Saturday) but will wrap up in extra layers.
Thanks for the kind wishes for Dolly, I passed them all on. She said meow. Her last blood sugar check was much better, moving towards the levels that are safe for diabetics. She has another check-up next week, and hopefully it will still be positive.
If you are new to my newsletter, you might also want to browse some fiction or read some ruminations. And if you’re a writer yourself, have a look at my Weekly Writers posts.
Talking of staying warm, my plan is to develop a single clothing item for each of the books I add to the new site I am creating. So as well as being able to buy hardbacks (that won’t be available anywhere else) there will also be other items related to your favourite books. Two of my titles added so far, thirteen more to go!
The way the store works is that you can add any mix of items to your basket. Obviously there is no postage cost for digital items (ebooks, audiobooks). For any physical items it calculates shipping once you enter your address. Items get printed and shipped from the nearest facility to where you live, minimising shipping costs.
Enter the code JanuaryNewsletter at checkout (or go via this link) and you’ll get 10% off the whole order.
338 words, that’s a record for me.
Peace and love, my friends. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.