Afua Blog Tour
The blog tour for this wonderful novella continues! The book is available now: find out where to buy a copy.
Here are a few extracts from some of the blog tour reviews.
“The world building was brilliant! It is just as it is in the Solace series. I felt connected to Afua, and her determination shone right through. This is one strong character, and I fully enjoyed my time with her in this vividly detailed setting.” —Sharon Beyond The Books
“The world-building here is exceptional; the vivid descriptions of Nuafri are a delight throughout, particularly regarding the richly imagined (and often very dangerous!) flora and fauna. Readers are also given a solid understanding of the political and social structure of the planet, which is no mean feat considering the drama which also quickly unfolds. The immersive scene setting at the start is intriguing; as well as giving readers an insight into what life is like on this forested planet, we also begin to understand Afua's augmented abilities and perhaps more importantly, the type of person that she is. Afua is clearly a kind, thoughtful and resolute individual who has been prepared to push back against authority and the expectations placed upon her, and is determined to continue guiding and supporting the orphans – ophanti – in her care. She also has a strong bond with Akalie, a heavily pregnant flying insect-like Dooga. The joyful interactions between the ophanti and Dooga makes what follows even more affecting.” —Hair Past A Freckle
“Afua is a fabulous sci fi tale set in the Lost Solace universe. The reader is treated to a strange new world in dazzling glory, and to a strong-willed and determined main character in Afua.” —MJ Porter
What’s that? You want a purchase link again so you can grab a copy and escape to another universe? Here you go. :-)
I may write (amongst other things) science fiction, but it is often about the edges of perception and reality, questioning what is, and what can be. So it may not be a surprise to find out I am also a spiritual person. I recently attended an interfaith event, which brings together people from many different religions and belief systems to share and cooperate, and to foster understanding. If you’d like to know about my first event, here’s a post about it.
As I said in the speech transcribed there:
Above the Delphic Oracle in Greece was the proclamation: “Know thyself”. It is important to do so, consciously. To know yourself is to give you the opportunity to improve yourself, to become a better human being. That is a goal for many of us, and part of our struggle.
That is perhaps a key that links my fiction to everything else I do.
I may not have mentioned it before, but I have been on Bluesky for a while. If you use the site, feel free to say hi: here’s a link to my profile.
UESI Kickstarter
My short-duration Kickstarter continues for my next novella, UESI. Have a look if you are interested in cutting-edge fiction! If I don’t reach my funding goal (which means no money is taken from anyone, or passed on to me), it would be a great shame for this exciting book.
May your days be bright and shining,